2 Timothy 2:15 King James Version (KJV) – Study to shew thyself approved unto God …

You abuse or under-utilized anything without the study of it or it’s manual (a book giving instructions or information about a thing or an object).

Same way, we are abused or under-utilize our God-given abilities if and when we fail to study the word of God.

Sweetheart, never say, I will be serious with God or I will start studying the word when I am twenty years – no, do that now, age is just a number, I always say this.

You will become what you are doing today, tomorrow.

Christianity is work and the first point of work is not engaging oneself in an activity for gain, being monetary or for whatever but self-development is the first point of work. As you study the word, you are developing yourself for the work ahead.

Battles are never won on the battlefield; it is first won on the training ground – ask any sports person or military person.

Also, know, know and know that as believers we are in a serious battle with this world and satan as a whole – Ephesians 6:12.

Hence, you not studying the word is to your own disadvantage because you even studying the word of God will give you some kind of boldness to confront issues even at this tender age.

Get the word of God, get a notebook by it and a pen, and study it like you are studying your Mathematics and Science for your final exams and you will see what will happen in your life in just six months’ time.

Everyone will know, and say how different you’ve become within this short time.


Sweet Lord Jesus, I thank You for the grace, to desire, love and the discipline to study the word of God.

Daily Scripture Study

2 Timothy 2:14 – 26 and Ephesians 6:10 – 20